How to Get Involved
Transparent, open, and ongoing public engagement is a critical component of the NY Forward planning process and the development of the SIP.
Slate of Projects Recommended by the LPC for NYF Funding Consideration

Schedule of Events:
LPC Meeting #1: May 31, 2023 (5 - 7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
Open Call for Projects Released: June 15, 2023
DRI/NYF Project Form Information Meeting: June 29, 2023 (10am - 1pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
Public Kick-off Meeting: June 28, 2023 (5 - 7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
LPC Meeting #2: July 12, 2023 (5 - 7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
Open Call for Projects Closes: July 23, 2023
LPC Meeting #3: August 02, 2023 (5 - 7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
Public Meeting #2: September 13, 2023 (5 - 7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
LPC Meeting #4: September 27, 2023 (5 -7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
LPC Meeting #5: October 25, 2023 (5 -7pm) at the Moravia Fire Department
The Local Planning Committee (LPC) is comprised of local and regional leaders, stakeholders, and community representatives intended to represent diverse interests. The LPC oversees the planning process and the development of the SIP. LPC meetings are working meetings for committee members but are open to the public to observe.
The committee members are as follows:
Mayor Chris Fulton
Maureen Riester, Central NY REDC Representative
Christina Allen
Sandy Brown
Fritz Hess
Wade Landis
Tyler Miller
Danielle Mueller
Edward Shea
Amy Weeks
Stuart Wood
Laurie Wood
Gary Mulvaney*
*Previous co-chair/ former Mayor
Two public meetings will be held during the planning process. These interactive meetings are open to everyone to participate. The consultant team will provide more information on the planning process and ask for community feedback on vision, goals, and potential projects.
A pop-up event will bring information about NY Forward to a local event to help spread the word. Look for us at an upcoming event to learn more and share your thoughts.
An Open Call for Projects will be released in June. All project sponsors will be required to submit a form describing their project to be considered by the LPC for inclusion in the list of recommended projects. Check back here for more information.